
White-crowned lapwing (Vanellus albiceps)

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White-crowned lapwing (Vanellus albiceps)

English, Dutch and scientific names.
Species/Soort Family/Familie Order/Orde Class/Klasse Phylum/Stam Kingdom/Rijk
White-crowned lapwing Plovers Shorebirds, gulls, and relatives Birds Chordate Animals
Witkruinkievit Plevieren Steltloperachtigen Vogels Gewervelden Dieren
Vanellus albiceps Charadriidae Charadriiformes Aves Chordata Animalia

Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa)

2024:07:01 10:12:12
White-crowned lapwing (Vanellus albiceps)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 200, distance 43.2 m